CD1-MR1 Society Membership


It is a pleasure to announce the second Webinar of the CD1-MR1 Immunology Society taking place on February 6th, 8am - 9am (PST); 11:00 am - noon (EST); 16:00 - 17:00 (UTC)

We will have two excellent speakers:

Laurent Gapin, Professor of Immunology & Microbiology at University of Colorado

Talk's title: “Genetic diversity and "unconventional" T cells

Antonia Rotolo, Research Assistant Professor at University of Pennsylvania

Talk's title: "Advancing iNKT Cell Therapies through Comparative Immunology"

Zoom link:
ID of the meeting : 81150233757

We look forward to seeing you for this event,

Best regards,

Agnes Lehuen & Paul Klenerman

The CD1-MR1 Immunology society was founded in 2024 and works to support research on unconventional T cells that respond to CD1 and MR1 antigen presentation molecules. The Society supports the biennial CD1-MR1 International Workshop, hosts online scientific talks on T cell immunology, and works to raise funds for travel to the International Workshop.  The Society is currently led by Agnes Lehuen as the Chair or the Scientific Advisory Board and membership is available to all attendees of the CD1-MR1 Workshop.

Registration to the CD1-MR1 Meeting includes membership to the CD1-MR1 Society.

Agnes Lehuen,
CD1-MR1 Society Chairwoman