Andrew Sewell

Distinguished Research Professor & Welcome Trust Senior Investigator
Cardiff University School of Medicine, UK

Andy Sewell initially trained in Chemistry before undertaking a PhD in Genetics at the University of Liverpool. After postdoctoral training in Utah, he returned to the UK to research how the HIV virus evades the human immune system at the University of Oxford where he became a Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow. He relocated to Cardiff University in 2006. Sewell group research focuses on T-cell ligands and the receptors that recognise them - a subject that has taken us into the fields of infection, autoimmune disease and transplant tolerance. Increasingly, our research has focused on cancer immunology, and we have been identifying dominant anticancer T-cells in individuals that successfully clear end-stage solid cancers. We have successfully applied three different pipelines to establish what dominant persistent anticancer T-cells recognise during durable, complete remission. Some cancer survivors have dominant anticancer T-cells that see shared antigens that are found in a wide range of other cancer types and a fraction of these T-cells can recognise ligands that go well beyond ‘traditional’ beta-2-microglobulin requiring cancer antigens. We hope to use these antigens, and the T-cell receptors that recognise them, to build the next generation of therapies for cancer.